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Thread Count Fabrics

Pellon Fusible Flex Foam - 20" Wide

Pellon® Flex-Foam™ 1-Sided Fusible is a lightweight one-sided fusible stabilizer consisting of a layer of foam sandwiched between two layers of soft fabric. It is excellent for use in crafts, accessories, and home décor projects for an elegant finished look. It can be used in place of or in addition to other stabilizers. Flex-Foam is 100% sewing machine safe and adds shape and body to projects such as computer cases, eyeglass cases, purses, tote bags, cup holders, diaper bags, and more!

Pellon 78F1

20" wide

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Suzanne R
Flex foam!

My go-to for my annual Christmas postcards!

Krista Ball

I love this foam! It's perfect for making bags. The fusible side fuses really well to fabric. I use water in a spray bottle and steam to fuse it. Easy to sew through. Gives bags a sturdy structure. I also embroider through it with no issue.

Karen Pettinger
Nice sturdy basket

I used this in the Noodleheads Divided Basket and found it very easy to work with. It adds nice structure without being crunchy.

so nice Karen, love it !